Groupe Voyages Québec (2024)

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}); } if ($('').length != 0) { $("").each(function() { var countOption = $(this).find('option').length; if (countOption === 2) { var linkId = $(this).attr('id'); linkId = linkId.split('-'); linkId = linkId[2]; listingDateSelect(linkId, true, false, false, false, false); } }); } var countL = $('#countL').val(); var pageL = $('#page').val(); if ((countL * 1) > (pageL * 10)) { loading = false; } else { loading = true; } } // changing bg of tab-headers var tabHeaders = $('.link .nav-pills'); for (var i = 0; i < $(tabHeaders).size(); i++) { var tabHeaderLinks = $(tabHeaders[i]).find('li'); var isActive = false; $(tabHeaderLinks).each(function() { if ($(this).hasClass('active')) isActive = true; }); if (!isActive) { $(tabHeaders[i]).addClass('whitebg'); } } $('#preloader').hide(); }, }); } function ajaxSerializeLP() { var dataFilterSerialize = $("#filterForm").serialize(); var dataLandingPointSerialize = $("#landingPointForm").serialize(); var itemid = $('#itemid').val(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", cache: false, url: "", data: "option=com_gvqtravel&task=ajaxfilter&itemid=" + itemid + "&action=filter&" + dataFilterSerialize + "&" + dataLandingPointSerialize, dataType: "json", beforeSend: function(xhr) { $('#preloader').show(); }, success: function(data) { $('#listings #listingsContent').find('') .remove() .end() .append(data.html); $('#preloader').hide(); } }); } function AddSelectionItem(idBlock, selectedValue) { var issetBlock = $('#filter-selection').find('div#' + idBlock); if (issetBlock.length != 0) { $('#filter-selection div#' + idBlock + ' p').html('').html(selectedValue); } else { var newElement = "

" + selectedValue + "

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} var selectCountpersonActive = $('#select-countperson-' + linkId + " option").filter(":selected").val(); var selectHotelActive = $('#select-hotel-' + linkId + " option").filter(":selected").val(); var selectCabineActive = $('#select-cabine-' + linkId + " option").filter(":selected").val(); //dev-357 price_on_demand var selectLpvalue = $('#select-lp-' + linkId + " option").filter(":selected").val(); //dev-357 price_on_demand var inclutsTab = $('#inclusions_' + linkId); var itinerairiesTab = $('#itineraire_' + linkId); var optionsTab = $('#options_' + linkId); var ifDateSelectRequest = ifDateSelect | 0; var ifHotelSelectRequest = ifHotelSelect | 0; $('#link_' + linkId + ' .listing-depart-garanti').remove(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", cache: false, url: "", data: "option=com_gvqtravel&task=ajaxfilter&itemid=" + itemid + "&action=listingDateSelect&" + dataSelectSerialize + "&linkId=" + linkId + "&ifDateSelect=" + ifDateSelectRequest + "&ifHotelSelect=" + ifHotelSelectRequest + "&isDefault=" + isDefault, dataType: "json", success: function(data) {//console.log(data.linkDate); if (data.conditions && $('#link_' + linkId + ' .listing-depart-garanti').length == 0) { $('#link_' + linkId + ' .price-block .depart-garanti').prepend(data.conditions); } if (!ifShowCalendar) { $('#link_' + linkId + ' .price-block .transportblock').html(data.transportHtml); } if ((data.calendarBlockItems.length == 0)) { $('#select-countperson-' + linkId).prop('disabled', false); $('#select-countperson-' + linkId).select2({ // placeholder: 'Occupation', minimumResultsForSearch: -1, dropdownCssClass: 'dd-select' }); $('#select-lp-' + linkId).prop('disabled', false); $('#select-lp-' + linkId).select2({ //placeholder: "Point d'embarquement", minimumResultsForSearch: -1, dropdownCssClass: 'dd-select' }); } if (data.cabineOuPont && !ifCabineSelect && !ifShowCalendar) { $('#select-cabine-' + linkId).select2({ //placeholder: 'Cabine ou Pont', minimumResultsForSearch: -1, dropdownCssClass: 'dd-select' }); $('#select-cabine-' + linkId).prop('disabled', false); $('#select-cabine-' + linkId).show(); } else if (!ifCabineSelect) { $('#select-cabine-' + linkId).prop('disabled', true); $('#select-cabine-' + linkId).hide(); } else if (data.cabineOuPont && ifCabineSelect && !ifShowCalendar){ $('#select-countperson-' + linkId).find('option') .remove() .end() .append(data.selectCountpersonHtml); } if (data.ifIssetHotel && !ifHotelSelect) { $('#select-hotel-' + linkId).select2({ //placeholder: 'Hôtel', minimumResultsForSearch: -1, dropdownCssClass: 'dd-select' }); $('#select-hotel-' + linkId).show(); $('#select-hotel-' + linkId).prop('disabled', false); } else if (!ifHotelSelect) { $('#select-hotel-' + linkId).hide(); $('#select-hotel-' + linkId).prop('disabled', true); } else if (data.ifIssetHotel && ifHotelSelect){ $('#select-countperson-' + linkId).find('option') .remove() .end() .append(data.selectCountpersonHtml); } if (data.calendarBlockItems.length != 0 && ifShowCalendar) { var currentDate = data.calendarBlockItems[0]; currentDate = currentDate.split('/'); var setCurrentDate = currentDate[0] + '/' + currentDate[1] + '/1'; var divCalendar = '

'; if ($('#date-calendar-' + linkId).length == 0) { $(divCalendar).insertAfter($('#departMultipleSelect-' + linkId)); $('#date-calendar-' + linkId).multiDatesPicker({ beforeShowDay: function(date) { var m = date.getMonth(), d = date.getDate(), y = date.getFullYear(); m = m + 1; var currentDate = "" + y + "_" + m + "_" + d + ""; currentDate = currentDate.toString(); $('td').removeClass('ui-datepicker-current-day'); return [false, currentDate]; }, dateFormat: "yy/mm/dd", defaultDate: setCurrentDate, addDates: data.calendarBlockItems, numberOfMonths: [1, 1] }); } } if (data.calendarBlockItemsRepetition.length != 0 && ifShowCalendar) { var currentDate = data.calendarBlockItemsRepetition[0]; currentDate = currentDate.split('/'); var setCurrentDate = currentDate[0] + '/' + currentDate[1] + '/1'; var divCalendar = '

'; if ($('#date-calendar-' + linkId).length == 0) { $(divCalendar).insertAfter($('#repetitionSelect-' + linkId)); $('#date-calendar-' + linkId).multiDatesPicker({ beforeShowDay: function(date) { var m = date.getMonth(), d = date.getDate(), y = date.getFullYear(); m = m + 1; var currentDate = "" + y + "_" + m + "_" + d + ""; currentDate = currentDate.toString(); $('td').removeClass('ui-datepicker-current-day'); return [false, ""]; }, dateFormat: "yy/mm/dd", defaultDate: setCurrentDate, addDates: data.calendarBlockItemsRepetition, numberOfMonths: [1, 1] }); } } var linkMap = $('#itineraire_' + linkId + ' .listing-map').html(); $(selectLp).show(); $(selectD).show(); $('#link_' + linkId + ' div.listing-actions').find('a.linkComplets').hide(); if (data.linkComplet !== false) { $('#link_' + linkId + ' div.listing-actions').find('a.link_to_reserv') .hide(); $('#link_' + linkId + ' div.listing-actions').find('a.link_contactez') .hide(); if ($('#link_' + linkId + ' div.listing-actions').find('a.linkComplets').length) { $('#link_' + linkId + ' div.listing-actions').find('a.linkComplets') .show(); } else { $('#link_' + linkId + ' div.listing-actions').find('a.link_to_link') .end() .append(data.linkComplet); } } else { if (data.ifSansDate) { if ($('#link_' + linkId + ' div.listing-actions').find('a.link_to_reserv').length) { if ($('#link_' + linkId + ' div.listing-actions').find('a.link_contactez')) { $('#link_' + linkId + ' div.listing-actions').find('a.link_to_reserv') .hide(); $('#link_' + linkId + ' div.listing-actions').find('a.link_contactez') .show(); } else { $('#link_' + linkId + ' div.listing-actions').find('a.link_to_reserv') .hide() .end() .append(data.linkContact); } } } else { if ($('#link_' + linkId + ' div.listing-actions').find('a.link_to_reserv').length) { $('#link_' + linkId + ' div.listing-actions').find('a.link_to_reserv') .show(); $('#link_' + linkId + ' div.listing-actions').find('a.link_contactez') .hide(); } } if (data.idSoftTravel != '') { $('#link_' + linkId + ' div.listing-actions').find('a.link_contactez') .hide(); if ($('#link_' + linkId + ' div.listing-actions').find('a.link_to_reserv').length) { $('#link_' + linkId + ' a.link_to_reserv').remove(); } $('#link_' + linkId + ' div.listing-actions').find('a.link_to_link') .end() .append(data.idSoftTravel); } else { if ($('#link_' + linkId + ' div.listing-actions').find('a.link_to_reserv').length) { if ($('#link_' + linkId + ' div.listing-actions').find('a.link_contactez')) { $('#link_' + linkId + ' div.listing-actions').find('a.link_to_reserv') .hide(); $('#link_' + linkId + ' div.listing-actions').find('a.link_contactez') .show(); } else { $('#link_' + linkId + ' div.listing-actions').find('a.link_to_reserv') .hide() .end() .append(data.linkContact); } } } } if ((selectDActive != '0') || (selectLpActive.val() != null && selectLpActive.val() != '0')) { if (selectDActive != '0' && ifDateSelect) { //dev-431 bus name show based on change dates on listing page $("#link_" + linkId + " .bus span").html(data.transportHtml_bus); //dev-488 $("#link_" + linkId + " .cruise-ship span").html(data.transportHtml_cruise_ship); //dev-488 //dev-431 bus name show based on change dates on listing page if ($(selectLp).length) { $(selectLp).each(function(indx, element) { var ids = $(element).data('ids'); var ifIsset = $.inArray(parseInt(selectDActive), ids); if (ifIsset == -1 && indx != 0) { $(this).prop('disabled', true); } else { $(this).prop('disabled', false); } }); if (data.calendarBlockItems.length == 0) { $('#select-lp-' + linkId).select2(); $('#select-lp-' + linkId).select2('destroy').val("0").select2({ //placeholder: "Point d'embarquement", minimumResultsForSearch: -1, dropdownCssClass: 'dd-select' }); } } } if (typeof data.selectLpAvailable != "undefined" && data.selectLpAvailable != null && data.selectLpAvailable.length != null && data.selectLpAvailable.length > 0 && ifDateSelect && data.calendarBlockItems.length == 0) { if ($(selectLp).length) { $(selectLp).each(function(indx, element) { var lpVal = $(element).val(); var ifLpAvailable = data.selectLpAvailable.includes(lpVal); if (!ifLpAvailable) { //$(element).attr('disabled','disabled'); $(this).prop('disabled', true); } else { $(this).prop('disabled', false); } }); $('#select-lp-' + linkId).select2(); $('#select-lp-' + linkId).select2('destroy').val("0").select2({ //placeholder: "Point d'embarquement", minimumResultsForSearch: -1, dropdownCssClass: 'dd-select' }); } } if (ifDateSelect || (selectLpActive.val() != null && selectLpActive.val() != '0')) { if (data.selectHotelHtml != '' && !ifHotelSelect && data.ifIssetHotel) { $('#select-hotel-' + linkId).find('option') .remove() .end() .append(data.selectHotelHtml); $('#select-hotel-' + linkId).select2({ //placeholder: 'Hôtel', minimumResultsForSearch: -1, dropdownCssClass: 'dd-select' }); } if (data.selectCabineHtml != '' && !ifCabineSelect && data.cabineOuPont && !ifShowCalendar) { $('#select-cabine-' + linkId).find('option') .remove() .end() .append(data.selectCabineHtml); $('#select-cabine-' + linkId).select2({ //placeholder: 'Cabine ou Pont', minimumResultsForSearch: -1, dropdownCssClass: 'dd-select' }); } if (((data.selectCountpersonHtml != '' && !ifCountpersonSelect) || ifDateSelect) && data.calendarBlockItems.length == 0 && !ifShowCalendar) { if (data.selectCountpersonHtml != '') { $('#select-countperson-' + linkId).find('option') .remove() .end() .append(data.selectCountpersonHtml); $('#select-countperson-' + linkId).select2({ // placeholder: 'Occupation', minimumResultsForSearch: -1, dropdownCssClass: 'dd-select' }); } else { $('#select-countperson-' + linkId).select2(); $('#select-countperson-' + linkId).select2('destroy').val("0"); $('#select-countperson-' + linkId).hide(); $('#select-countperson-' + linkId).prop('disabled', true); } } else { if (data.selectCountpersonHtml == '') { $('#select-countperson-' + linkId).select2(); $('#select-countperson-' + linkId).select2('destroy').val("0"); $('#select-countperson-' + linkId).hide(); $('#select-countperson-' + linkId).prop('disabled', true); } } $('#link_' + linkId + ' a.link_to_link').removeClass('disabledLink').attr('href', data.linkDate); $('#link_' + linkId + '').html(data.linkAllData); $('#link_' + linkId + ' .mobile-link-meal').html(data.linkAllData); $('#link_' + linkId + ' div.listing-discount').html(data.linkDiscount).addClass('plus'); if (data.linkDiscount == '') $('#link_' + linkId + ' div.listing-discount').removeClass('plus'); if (data.inclutsTab != '') { $('#inclusions_' + linkId).html(data.inclutsTab); } if (data.itinerairiesTab != '') { $('#itineraire_' + linkId).html(data.itinerairiesTab); } if (data.trip_map == '') { $('#itineraire_' + linkId + ' .listing-map').html(linkMap); } } if (ifCountpersonSelect) { if (selectHotelActive == '0') { $('#select-hotel-' + linkId).find('option') .remove() .end() .append(data.selectHotelHtml); } if (selectCabineActive == '0') { $('#select-cabine-' + linkId).find('option') .remove() .end() .append(data.selectCabineHtml); } } if (ifHotelSelect) { if (selectCountpersonActive == '0') { $('#select-countperson-' + linkId).find('option') .remove() .end() .append(data.selectCountpersonHtml); } if (selectCabineActive == '0') { $('#select-cabine-' + linkId).find('option') .remove() .end() .append(data.selectCabineHtml); } if (typeof data.selectLpAvailable != "undefined" && data.selectLpAvailable != null && data.selectLpAvailable.length != null && data.selectLpAvailable.length > 0) { if ($(selectLp).length) { $(selectLp).each(function(indx, element) { var lpVal = $(element).val(); var ifLpAvailable = data.selectLpAvailable.includes(lpVal); if (!ifLpAvailable) { //$(element).attr('disabled','disabled'); $(this).prop('disabled', true); } else { $(this).prop('disabled', false); } }); $('#select-lp-' + linkId).select2('destroy').val("0").select2({ //placeholder: "Point d'embarquement", minimumResultsForSearch: -1, dropdownCssClass: 'dd-select' }); } } } if (ifCabineSelect) { if (selectCountpersonActive == '0') { $('#select-countperson-' + linkId).find('option') .remove() .end() .append(data.selectCountpersonHtml); } if (selectHotelActive == '0') { $('#select-hotel-' + linkId).find('option') .remove() .end() .append(data.selectHotelHtml); } } if (!data.prixSurDemande) { $('#link_' + linkId + ' p.price').removeClass("surdemande").html(data.priceBlock); $('#link_' + linkId + ' .price-desc').removeClass("surdemande"); } else { $('#link_' + linkId + ' p.price').addClass("surdemande").html(data.priceBlock); $('#link_' + linkId + ' .price-desc').addClass("surdemande"); } //dev-357 price_on_demand //dev-677 // const array = data.lp_id_available; // const value = selectLpvalue; // const isInArray = array.includes(value); const array = data.lp_id_available; const value = selectLpvalue; // Check if array is defined and is an array before using includes const isInArray = Array.isArray(array) && array.includes(value); //dev-677 if(isInArray){ data.priceBlock = "

Prix sur demande

"; $('#link_' + linkId + ' p.price').addClass("surdemande").html(data.priceBlock); $('#link_' + linkId + ' .price-desc').addClass("surdemande"); $('.tax_icon_listing_page_incluse').hide(); } else { $('#link_' + linkId + ' p.price').removeClass("surdemande").html(data.priceBlock); $('#link_' + linkId + ' .price-desc').removeClass("surdemande"); $('.tax_icon_listing_page_incluse').show() } //dev-357 price_on_demand } if (selectLpActive.val() != null && selectLpActive.val() != '0' && selectDActive == 0) { var ids = $(selectLpActive).data('ids'); if ($(selectD).length) { $(selectD).each(function(indx, element) { var ifIsset = $.inArray(parseInt($(element).val()), ids); if (ifIsset == -1 && indx != 0) { $(this).prop('disabled', true); } else { $(this).prop('disabled', false); } }); $('#select-dates-' + linkId).select2({ //placeholder: "Choisissez une date", minimumResultsForSearch: -1, dropdownCssClass: 'dd-select' }); } } $('#select-dates-' + linkId).next().addClass("selDate"); if (data.particularite != "") { $('#link_' + linkId).find('#particularite_block').empty().prepend('' + data.particularite + ''); } else { $('#link_' + linkId).find('#particularite_block span').remove(); } if (data.jumelage != "") { $('#link_' + linkId).find('#jumelage_block').empty().prepend('' + data.jumelage + ''); } else { $('#link_' + linkId).find('#jumelage_block span').remove(); } if (data.smallGroup != "") { $('#link_' + linkId).find('#small_group_block').empty().prepend('' + data.smallGroup + ''); } else { $('#link_' + linkId).find('#small_group_block span').remove(); } if (isDefault == "1") { if ($('#select-lp-' + linkId).data('select2')) $('#select-lp-' + linkId).select2('destroy'); if ($('#select-hotel-' + linkId).data('select2')) $('#select-hotel-' + linkId).select2('destroy'); if ($('#select-countperson-' + linkId).data('select2')) $('#select-countperson-' + linkId).select2('destroy'); if ($('#select-cabine-' + linkId).data('select2')) $('#select-cabine-' + linkId).select2('destroy'); } //showbydefaultcalendar-dev-129 $(".departMultipleSelect").each(function(currentEvent,val){ id =$(val).attr('id'); var linkId = id.split("-"); if ($("#date-calendar-"+linkId[1]).length == 0) { document.getElementById(id).click(); } }); //showbydefaultcalendar-dev-129 } }); } function multiDateSelect(day, month, year, idDate, linkId, idHotel) { var itemid = $('#itemid').val(); if (parseInt(day) < 10) { day = "0" + day; } if (parseInt(month) < 10) { month = "0" + month; } var selectCabineActive = $('#select-countperson-' + linkId + " option").filter(":selected").val(); $('#link_' + linkId + ' .listing-depart-garanti').remove(); var selectLp = '#select-lp-' + linkId + ' option'; $.ajax({ cache: false, type: "POST", url: "", data: "option=com_gvqtravel&task=ajaxfilter&itemid=" + itemid + "&action=multiDateSelect&year=" + year + "&month=" + month + "&day=" + day + "&idDate=" + idDate + "&cabine=" + selectCabineActive + "&idHotel=" + idHotel, dataType: "json", success: function(data) { $('#link_' + linkId + ' .price-block .transportblock').html(data.transportHtml); $('#select-lp-' + linkId).prop('disabled', false); 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Author: Jamar Nader

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Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.