Chocolate Turtle Slab Pie Recipe - Easy Peasy Pleasy (2024)

Turtle anything is hands down my favorite! I have been saving this Chocolate Turtle Slab Pie Recipe since January. I’ve wanted to share it with you for so long and now I can. You only have to bake the pie crust and the filling can be eaten straight from the whisk. Let me give you a little explanation on both fronts.

Chocolate Turtle Slab Pie Recipe - Easy Peasy Pleasy (1)

I am part of the Arkansas Women Bloggers. We are a group of bloggers from all over the state. At the beginning of the year, a list is posted for Foodie Friday and we volunteer for the perfect month and week that speaks to us. This year the theme was based on different genres of music for each month. This particular month was based off of the song Bye Bye Miss American Pie. How can you go wrong with this song or pie?! For a split second, I considered turning my Peanut Butter Pie recipe into a slab pie…but like I said, that thought was only considered for a split second. It’s delicious but this one is even better.

Chocolate Turtle Slab Pie Recipe - Easy Peasy Pleasy (2)

So way back in January when I volunteered to write a post, I knew it had to be this Chocolate Turtle Slab Pie Recipe. Talk about a finger licking, crowd feeding, decadent pie! Seriously, what’s not to love about creamy chocolate, gooey caramel, crunchy pecans, and more chocolate? I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I licked the spoon or let’s be honest…just ate the filling by the spoonfuls.

Chocolate Turtle Slab Pie Recipe - Easy Peasy Pleasy (3)

I’m giving you fair warning and wishing you tons of luck when you hand a beater, whisk, or a spoon to a family member to lick. Pray they don’t start eating the pie filling right from the bowl after that!

Let me tell you that this Chocolate Turtle Slab Pie recipe will feed a crowd! It’s perfect for potlucks, holidays, and family get togethers.

First things first…let me share my tips for making this pie recipe easy and a winner.

Lacie’s Easy Peasy Pleasy Tips

  • You can easily cut the ingredients in half and make a smaller Chocolate Turtle Slab Pie by using a 13x9x1 sheet pan.
  • When blind baking, place dry beans on the crust to stop shrinking. I was in a hurry to get this slab pie done for a blog post and skipped that step. No worries if you don’t have beans like myself, still turns out great.
  • Depending on how you cut, this recipe can supply 18 servings or can be cut smaller into 36 tasting servings.
  • To make piping bags for the chocolate, caramel, and whip cream…take a mason jar, and place a ziptop bag in the jar. Fold the edges down the side of jar. Fill each bag with contents to be piped. Pull up bag, give a good twist, and snip off the bottom corner to let out as much piping as you need.

I bet you are ready to get to this Chocolate Turtle Slab Pie Recipe!

Chocolate Turtle Slab Pie Recipe - Easy Peasy Pleasy (4)

Chocolate Turtle Slab Pie

  • Servings: 18 plus
  • Difficulty: easy
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  • 2 refrigerated pie crusts
  • 4 3.9 ounce packages instant chocolate fudge pudding
  • 2 cups chocolate milk
  • 2 cups whole milk
  • 2 8 ounce cream cheese, softened
  • 2 14 ounce cans Sweetened Condensed Milk
  • 1 16 ounce tub cool whip

Garnish Ingredients

  • 1 1/2 cups or 6 ounce package chopped pecans
  • 1 14 ounce jar caramel topping
  • 1 cup milk chocolate chips
  • 1 8 ounce tub cool whip, optional
  • 1 4 ounce milk chocolate bar, optional


Preheat oven and follow directions according to refrigerated pie crust directions. Take some parchment paper and roll out on counter. Place pie crust on paper. Using a rolling pin, roll each crust into a rectangular shape. Each crust should fit half of a 18x13x1 inch un-greased pan. Press the dough together in the middle, and press into corners. Fold extra crust and crimp even with edge of pan. Using a fork, poke all over the dough.

Bake according to package directions about 15 minutes. Let cool completely before filling. While pie shell is baking and cooling, prepare filling.

In a large bowl, whisk together the pudding mix and milk. Set aside. In a medium bowl, beat the softened cream cheese until smooth. Add the sweetened condensed milk. Beat on medium high until well combined.

Stir the cream cheese mixture into the pudding mixture until well combined. Fold in half of the cool whip. Once combined, fold in the last half of the cool whip. Add the pie filling in an even layer to the cooled pie shell.


Sprinkle the pie with 1/2 of the chopped pecans. Place caramel topping in a ziptop bag. Using scissors, snip off a tiny corner of the bag. Pipe caramel in a zigzag pattern across the pie.

Melt chocolate chips in a small bowl for 1 minute. Stir. Heat the chocolate in 30 second increments until chips are melted. Place melted chocolate in a ziptop bag. Follow the directions for piping as was done with the caramel above.

Repeat the same zigzag pattern with, caramel and chocolate, but opposite of the original. Sprinkle remaining pecans.

Optional…Using a decorators tip in a ziptop bag, add cool whip in your favorite tip design around the pie. Using a potato peeler, shave down a chocolate bar to make chocolate shavings and curls to garnish the top.

Eat and Enjoy!

Chocolate Turtle Slab Pie Recipe - Easy Peasy Pleasy (5)

You know I love you…but this Chocolate Turtle Slab Pie Recipe has been on my mind all day! I’ve got to go so I can eat a piece of this pie!


2 thoughts on “Chocolate Turtle Slab Pie Recipe

    • Thank you Lysha! I can’t stop eating it. No gathering this weekend so I think I’m going to freeze it and see how it turns out. Never had leftovers to freeze before.

      October 20, 2017 at 8:34 pm

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Chocolate Turtle Slab Pie Recipe - Easy Peasy Pleasy (2024)
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